lørdag 28. januar 2017

Character focus day

So today I will go into a deeper explanation and description of the characters in my book. I will choose only three that will get an in depth description because of just how many characters there are(yeah, there are a lot). Let us begiiiin. 

Oh yes you guessed it, first up is Yossarian. Yossarian is, as you have probably guessed by now, the main protagonist in the story. He is a part of the 256th squadron Army Air Forcers and he is stationed on the small island of Pianosa in Italy during world war 2. I believe that the character is based on the experiences of Joseph Heller himself as he also served as a bombardier on a small island off the coast off Italy. Yossarian is, well, he is a little strange if we can put it like that. He gets himself hospitalized because he does not want to fly any more missions, although that may not be strange there is everything around that that makes him a little bit strange. He tells the doctors that his liver is hurting but really it isn't, he complains to his officers that there is man in his tent while in reality that man has died, and he blames everyone for trying to kill him. He either says that they are trying to kill him directly, or they are doing it indirectly by making him fly more missions. This might be a weird statement to make, and it might even be wrong, but I believe that Yossarian is one of the few people in the camp that are actually sane. He complains so often about wanting to go home because he has finished his missions, but surprisingly none of the other soldiers fight it off as much as Yossarian, because Yossarian knows that the war is over soon and he knows that there is no need for more combat missions. The way you can really tell that he's sane though is because of his reaction to Catch 22, he is one of the only ones that react to it and thinks that it is utter nonsense. Yossarian knows that he can not go home though, so he tries to make time fly(internal joke as he wants the war to be over so he doesn't have to fly anymore) by filling his days with booze, sex and weekly visits to the hospital. 
(How I look when I watch Vikings, complete focus)

Milo Minderbinder
Yes good old Milo. Well he might not be that old though, and yes he certainly is not good. This character will be hard to explain, so please bare with me. Milo Minderbinder is probably the most interesting character I have ever in my whole life read about, his thought process is unlike any others and his way of creating business and influencing people is, well let's just say insane. First off let me start off on a good note(joke) by saying that he arranged an attack on his base. Yes you heard correctly(read correctly if you want to be politically correct). Milo is in charge of M&M enterprises, where the Ms are his initials, and he travels to a multitude of nations to trade supplies, make profits and create business partners. One of his business partners, you guessed it, the German Army. He begins contracting missions for them and in one of these missions he orders the attack of his own base. To make things even more interesting, he orders it from the control tower of his own base in Pianosa, yeah he really is batsh*t crazy(sorry for the profanity but it needed to be said). He is court martialed for treason, but because of his highly profitable enterprise he hires an expensive lawyer and convinces the jury that America was built on capitalism and he is the set free. Milo is the exact definition of the belief that money can buy you anything. I really don't know what else to say about him, except that I believe he should not keep making Egyptian cotton chocolate balls, that are really cotton candy, but are really actually cotton(yeah this happens in the book, read it). 
(He really does look like a guy that can sell you anything, and when you think about it that egg does look good... I wonder how much it costs) 

The last character up is Chaplain, and allow me to just say bravo to Joseph Heller for his writing on this character. I have never in my life gained a more clear picture of a character than Chaplain. The Chaplain is after my belief trapped, he is not trapped only physically but also mentally. In the book he is talked about as kind of a loner, as the soldiers in the squadron can't really relate to him since he is not a soldier himself and most soldiers there do not have a relationship with God. He has no true friends there for God, and when his relationship with God is questioned he truly suffers. In the way he is described you can really feel pity for him and you almost feel how alone he himself feels along all these men who are the exact opposite of him. While they are all out drinking, he is praying that the war might be over soon. While they are all out fighting, he is either by himself or he's seeing Yossarian in the hospital. And most importantly while the others are out enjoying the Italian women, he is hoping that he will come home to a wife that is still alive. As gruesome as it sounds he is constantly having nightmares about his wife and kids dying and that he will never get to see them again, he is not afraid of only his own life but the lives of his loved ones. This is not the only issue that he faces, however, as he is later accused of signing letters with a fake name, even though it is stated earlier in the book that it is Major Major Major Major who has done this(yes, it is a real name in the book). He is taken by a few officers and lead down into a cellar where they try to make him admit to the forgery, but he constantly refuses and pleads them to let him go. Towards the end of his book there is no mention of his wife and family are doing, but it is certain that finally he is not alone mentally as his relationship with God, and therefore his morale, strengthens. 
(Mhm I know what you're thinking, Norman Bates really cleaned himself up)
Well that's it for this post guys. I hope you enjoyed and I look forward for you to join me again tomorrow night for my last book blog. 

(Sorry for the long post, here's a funny pun) 

2 kommentarer:

  1. You sure have gotten a handful of interesting characters in this book. I also really like how you introduce them with their own paragraphs. I also laughed from the pun, lol. - Emma.

  2. Wow! I love how you really made the characters come to life. You have a great understanding of them. When I tried to read this book about a year ago, the intense character descriptions made it challenging. Great job sticking with them and getting to know them!
